Server Has Been Opened

Online 16
1489 Players
16 Guilds

This is our quick guide for important changes before our official start

Elf: No longer requires energy to buff party. We introduced our rework that buffs scaling with Agility.

DW: Soul Barrier formula is changed to agi/50 and ene/100. This change will allow players to have FULL SB even on energy characters with end-game gear.

Commands available in-game are:

/attack: Allows players to off-level while at work.

/readd: Allows players to redistribute points. This option will be available for the first week, as many players might check some builds and some will be confused with Elf changes. Later, this command will be VIP-exclusive only.

/kick [character name] [password]: Allows players to disconnect their character in case of being stuck or wanting to relocate a friend's account elsewhere.

/pkclear: Allows players to reset PK status, costing 5KK per use. This will be increased/decreased based on server life and potential abuse

/add (str,agi,vit,ene,cmd) - Allows players to distribute points quick

Posted by Administrator, 9.3.2024
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